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Car Insurance

Car insurance
Get comprehensive, easy to access protection against damage, theft and accidents for your car.

Funeral Cover

Funeral cover
Cover yourself and your family to ensure that you have a dignified and memorable farewell.

Building Insurance

Building Insurance
Your home is your most prized possession – Let us help you protect it.

Portable Possessions

Portable Possessions
Protect your possessions that you carry on the go from theft, damage and accidents, all at an affordable rate.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance
Care for your loved ones when you no longer can. Cover yourself today and ensure that your family’s financial future is secure.

Health Assistance Cover

Health Assistance Cover
Protect yourself and your family from unexpected hospital costs.

Contents Insurance

Contents Insurance
Protect your belongings inside your home against theft, accidents and natural disasters.

Credit Protection Plan

Credit Protection Plan
Get affordable credit insurance for loss of income, disability or illness and untimely death.

Legal Insurance

Legal Insurance
Get top-notch legal insurance with expert services for everything from criminal to family matters—without the high costs.

Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance
Give your pets the best comprehensive cover, from routine care to hospital stays, ensuring they’re always protected.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance
Protect yourself while travelling from unexpected events like cancelled flights, lost luggage, sudden illness, and more.

Absa Insurance Company Limited, an insurer licensed to conduct non-life insurance business and an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 8030). Registration number 2000/025898/06. Terms and conditions apply.

Absa Life Limited is an insurer licensed to conduct life insurance business (I121). Registration number 1992/001738/06. 

Instant Life (Pty) Ltd is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 42569). Reg No 2007/032320/07. Terms and conditions apply.

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