5 Key things you need to do when a loved one passes away
Losing a loved one is not easy, and if you also have to sort out their affairs, it can seem overwhelming.
But don’t worry, this guide is here to help you.
1. Notify the relevant parties
You must report the passing of a loved one to several parties. Below are the relevant contact details for whom you should contact
2. Appoint an executor
- Once the estate has been reported to the Master of the High Court, a Letter of Authority/Letter of Executorship will be issued to the appointed Master’s Representative/executor who will assist you.
- If there is no will or no nominated executor in the will, a nomination can be attended as part of the process of reporting the estate to the Master.
- The executor has a duty to make sure that the estate is wound up within a reasonable time in line with applicable law. If the executor does not fulfil his/her duties, we, as the creditor in the estate, will, as a last option, take the legal action required to ensure that the executor fulfils his/her duty.
3. Wind up the estate financials
The executor/Master’s Representative is responsible for winding up the estate, ensuring that all creditors are paid and that any remaining assets or money is distributed to the heirs or beneficiaries in line with the deceased’s will.
- It is important to make sure that the assets and liabilities of the deceased are accurately reflected in the inventory. In the instance where it is a S18(3) estate, where there are immovable assets, bank accounts and/or policies that are listed on the inventory, the proof of the value will have to be lodged with the inventory. If you don’t have the value of or the proof, you will need to obtain an MBU9(A) or MBU9(B) letter (completed, signed and rubberstamped) from the Master of the High Court to provide to all relevant institutions to obtain the value and to avoid any challenges down the line.
Some things to remember:
- Outstanding amounts on any products the deceased had at their passing will be due and payable to Absa
- Interest rates and fees may continue to accrue after the death of a client.
- On the appointment of an Executor and notification thereof, we will submit a claim against the estate for any debt due.
- If there is insurance, a claim will need to be submitted to the relevant insurer. Please refer to the insurance section.
- If the deceased’s estate does not have sufficient funds to settle any claims against the estate, the executor will contact the heirs on the next steps.
- How such claims will be settled will be discussed with the executor. More information on how these claims could be settled is further on in this guide.
- If you require more information regarding the administration process, the appointed executor/Master’s representative can provide further guidance.
4. Submit any insurance claims
There are several kinds of cover or insurance that the deceased may have had, and at the time of death, they will be payable to their estate or beneficiaries nominated on the policies.
For example:
- A Death Benefit
- Funeral Cover
- Bridging Finance
- An Executor Fee Plan
Value-added benefits with their transactional account (Absa Current/Cheque Account, FlexiSave, TrueSave, Gold Value Bundle and Premium Accounts).
The executor or beneficiary can contact the Absa Life Call Centre on 0860 227 253 for more information on such payments.
If you need to submit a funeral claim before the appointment of an executor, a nominated family member must submit the following documents to any Absa branch (24 to 48 hours for the payment to reflect)
- A certified and dated copy of the death certificate
- A certified and dated copy of the ID of the deceased
- A funeral parlour invoice (reflecting their banking details).
Claims information
Life Cover
- Please mail us: lifeclaims@absa.co.za
- Find more information on life cover claims requirements
- Claims take approximately 25 working days (underwritten policies).
Credit Protection
- Please email us: creditlifeclaims@absa.co.za
- Find more information on credit protection claims requirements
- Claims take approximately 15 working days.
Funeral Cover
- Please email us: creditlifeclaims@absa.co.za
- Find more information on funeral claims requirements
- Claims take approximately 48 hours.
5. Home loans or vehicle finance
1. Home Loans
Deceased 911
If there is anything you are unsure of, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Deceased Estate team on 0861 113 003.
hey are available on Monday - Friday from 08:00 – 16:00.
Understanding the terminology
Estate: All the assets and the liabilities that belonged to the deceased at the time of death.
Executor: This is the person appointed by the Master and is responsible for paying all creditors within the estate and ensuring that the assets of the estate are distributed in line with the wishes of the deceased in his/her will. If there is no will, intestate succession will follow.
Intestate: If the deceased did not have a valid will in place, their estate is considered to be intestate. If an estate is intestate, it will be wound up in terms of the Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987.
Creditor: A creditor is someone who was owed money by the client on his/her passing.
The Master: This is the person who will oversee the estate process, who is responsible for the appointment and issuing of a Letter of Executorship or Letter of Authority and who provides the necessary oversight in ensuring that the executor fulfils his/her duties in line with the laws regarding deceased estates.
Claim against the estate: This is any amount owed by the deceased on his/her passing. Claims for these amounts will be submitted to the estate by all creditors of the estate.
Letter of Executorship: This is the document that confirms the appointment of the executor. The Letter of Executorship is issued by the Master of the High Court. A Letter of Executorship is issued when an estate has a value above R250 000.
Letter of Authority: This confirms the appointment of the Master’s Representative. A Letter of Authority can be issued for an estate with a value less than R250 000 [Section 18(3) of the Administration of Estates Act].
Contact details
Get in touch with one of our Deceased Estate consultants
Call us on: 0861 113 003
Email us at: Deceasedestates@absa.africa
Business hours: Monday to Friday (08:00 - 16:00), excluding public holidays