Support when a loved one is lost
Losing a loved one is hard and sorting out their affairs can be overwhelming. With Absa Life, there's less to worry about. Use our guidelines for help with your claim process.
Or call us on 0860 227 253 and one of our agents will assist you with your claim.
What do you need to be able to claim?
You will need to provide the following documents:
- Completed claim form
- Completed BI 1663 (Notification of death)
- Certified copy of the death certificate
- Certified copy of your ID, if you are not the main member/policy holder
- Certified copy of the deceased’s ID
- Completed police report if the death occurred due to unnatural causes
- Proof of banking details (not older than three months) is required if the proceeds are paid into any other bank than Absa Bank
- Proof of residential address
- Where no beneficiary is noted, a letter of authority is required. The policy number must be stated on the letter of authority.
Remember that you can get your documents certified at your nearest Absa branch, police station or a commissioner of oaths.
Submitting a funeral claim made simple
Receiving your payout
- If your claim is approved, and all the requirements are met and you have an Absa bank account, you should get paid on the same day.
- If you don't have an Absa bank account, you should receive your payment within 48 hours, however, this could take up to 72 hours based on non-Absa bank account rules.
Need more information?
A BI 1663 Form is the official notification of death, completed by the person reporting the death. The doctor (medical practitioner or traditional leader) involved in certifying the death, the undertaker facilitating the burial, and a Home Affairs official each have a section to complete. If a Home Affairs official is not available, a South African Police Service member may complete it on their behalf. The BI 1663 Form is available at authorised undertakers, the Department of Home Affairs, government mortuaries and hospitals.
The Department of Home Affairs issues death certificates.
A police report (download here) and a letter from the hospital are also required if a member passes away unnaturally during an operation.
To help keep our premiums affordable, we have a six-month waiting period for death due to natural causes. The six months start when we receive your first premium. For example, if you pay your first premium on 1 March, you can claim after 1 September.
If you are not the policyholder or listed as a beneficiary on the policy, you will need a letter of authority to submit a claim. The policy number must be stated on the letter of authority. A letter of authority will identify you as having the legal power to submit a claim and receive the proceeds. It is a legal requirement obtained from the Master of the High Court.
Unmet premiums are the missed premium payments during your policy’s lifetime. Missed premium payments are deducted at claims stage.
Need more help?
For claims or queries, please call Absa Life on 0860 227 253.
Absa Life Limited is an insurer licensed to conduct life insurance business (I121) and an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 36116).
Registration number 1992/001738/06. Terms and conditions apply.