Why cover your pets with us?
Day-to-day cover
Up to R1 550 in consultation and R1000 in routine care.
Hospital cover
Up to R55 000 for admission.
Inclusive cover
Kennel cover, post-operative care, cremations, burials and euthanasia.
Choose the cover that best suits you
Premium Cover
All-in-one bigger benefits and more protection from R460 per pet per cover. Annual limit of
R75 000.
Manage your policy
Need more help?
For claims or queries:
Call: 087 250 1632
Email: petcare@absa.co.za
Absa Insurance Company Limited, an insurer licensed to conduct a non-life insurance business and an authorised financial services provider FSP (8030). Registration number 1992/001737/06. Terms and Conditions apply.