Get guaranteed returns on your investment
Get guaranteed returns on your investment
Earn guaranteed monthly income plus tax benefits with your Guaranteed Outcomes investment.

Guaranteed Outcomes benefits

Guaranteed returns

Guaranteed returns

Choose your term and adjust contributions according to your needs.

Cession investments

Cession investments

Cede your investment to raise collateral for a loan or other need.

Tax advantages

Tax advantages

No income and capital gains tax, either on withdrawal or maturity. 

Secure estate planning

Secure estate planning

Guaranteed benefits in the event of your death.


What you need to know

Explore your options

Linked Endowment

Tax-free lump sum for yourself at the end of your investment term, or your beneficiaries get a lump sum in the event of your death.
Investment options
Access to funds
Five Years
Lump sum

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Let one of our consultants help you get the best investments for your needs.

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