If you are struggling with your home loan repayments, selling your existing property and buying a property that you can afford can make a big difference to your financial situation. To get the best price for your property we offer a service called HelpUSell.
What is HelpUSell?
HelpUSell will get you a market related price for your home and a discount on payments you need to make. This is far better than an auction where properties are often sold for far less than they are worth. Our network of professional sales agents give you access to marketing networks, advertising and sales know-how. In other words, the sale of your property will be handled professionally and competently.
How does HelpUSell work?
Sign a HelpUSell mandate
- This will allow one of our agents to be appointed to market, advertise and sell your property.
- You will need to give our agents access to your property for valuation, marketing and selling.
- The HelpUSell mandate will include additional terms and conditions on the sale and registration process – so be sure to read this in detail.
Your property is listed for sale
- Our HelpUSell agents will work hard to sell your property.
- If you have a potential buyer, or have accepted an offer for your property, you can submit the offer and proof of your buyer’s finance to privatesales@absa.co.za for consideration.
Maintain the property during the sale process
- You will be responsible for maintaining the property to ensure that it is shown to its full potential to prospective buyers.
- This is to make sure you get the highest possible price for your home.
Pay sale costs and any outstanding amounts
- You will be liable for all costs associated with the sale and transfer of the property.
- These costs include but are not limited to outstanding rates, taxes, charges for municipal services and levies (if applicable); estate agent commission; bond cancellation costs and legal costs (if applicable).
- You can pay these from the sale proceeds or make an advance payment
- Paying from the sale proceeds will reduce the amount available for distribution into your home loan account.
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Need more help or advice?
Let one of our property experts call you back.
Call us on:
0860 111 007
E-mail us at:
General account enquiries: home@absa.co.za
Home loan applications: propertyhub@absa.co.za
Battling to make home loan repayment: bondrs@absa.co.za
Homeowners comprehensive insurance: adminhoc@absa.co.za
Life insurance: polserv@absa.co.za