Many of those who have advanced in years can’t keep up their standard of living after they have retired. They either start saving too late, or don’t continue to bolster their investments once they retire. Retirement planning will help you maintain your lifestyle.

Keep growing your investment once you retire


Often, retirees don’t continue to invest or grow their retirement funds once they retire. The egg nest that was meant to get them through their retirement years reduces, and they can’t maintain their standard of living.

  • Term deposits

    Gives you a great way to gain higher investment returns and exclusive rates on specific terms for senior customers from the ages of 55 years and older.

    Dynamic Fixed Deposit

    • Opening deposit of R1 000
    • Seniors 55 years or older, may receive an additional Senior bonus interest rate which may be automatically included for qualifying deposits.
    • No monthly administration fees
    • Choice of either a fixed interest rate for guaranteed returns or an interest rate linked to prime
    • Choose to have access to up to 50% of your funds anytime during your investment term.
    • Ideal if you want higher investment returns with or without immediate access to a portion of your money

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    Fixed Deposit

    • Opening deposit of R1 000
    • Fixed interest rate for your investment term
    • Choose an investment term from 8 days to 60 months that suits you needs
    • Select a interest payment frequency that is suitable to you, either monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annually or on maturity

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    Islamic Term Deposit

    • Opening deposit of R1 000
    • Shari'ah-compliant
    • Choose an investment term that suits your needs from 8 days to 60 months
    • Select a profit share payment frequency that is suitable to you, either monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annually or on maturity
    • No monthly fees

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  • Living annuity

    The Absa Living Annuity reinvests your accumulated retirement savings to provide you with a retirement income — while aiming for additional long-term investment growth.

    Absa Living Annuity

    • Initial investment of R50 000 or more
    • A way to reinvest your retirement savings once you retire or move jobs
    • Gives you a monthly income

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  • Share trading and investing

    With retirement, the focus is usually on low-risk investments that give a good income. This can be achieved by selecting the right shares and ETFs which pay consistent dividends. Lower risk is achieved through diversification of your investments which you can accomplish by investing online yourself, or with the support of a dedicated portfolio manager to manage your investment.

    Absa Stockbrokers and Portfolio Management

    • Invest and trade in equities and exchange traded funds locally and offshore in over 20 exchanges
    • No minimum amount to start — debit orders from a minimum of R250
    • With over R250 000 to invest, a portfolio manager can help you
    • Invest in a tax-free savings account, for local and offshore exposure
    • No age limit

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Retirement planning makes all the difference


Retirement may seem a long way off when you are in your 20s, but the earlier you start retirement planning, the more you will be able to grow your investment to ensure that you maintain your lifestyle in your later years.

  • Retirement annuity

    The Absa Retirement Annuity is an ideal way to invest if you are currently employed and want to make an additional provision for your retirement years, or if you are self-employed or do not have a company pension or provident fund.

    Absa Retirement Annuity

    • Initial investment of R10 000 or more
    • Minimum monthly contributions of R250
    • Flexible investment term based on your selected retirement age
    • Tax-free transfers from other pension, provident or retirement annuity funds
    • Can be used to top up current retirement investments

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  • Core retirement annuity

    The Core Retirement Annuity from Absa is a low-cost retirement annuity based on life-stage investing, and ensures that you get the most benefit from your investment.

    Absa Core Retirement Annuity

    • Minimum initial investment of  R10 000 or monthly contribution of R500 or both
    • Portfolio adjusts according to life stage as you near retirement
    • Contributions are tax deductible
    • Can be used to top up current retirement investments
    • Tax-free transfers from other pension, provident or retirement annuity funds

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  • Preservation fund

    The Absa Preservation Fund is an ideal way to preserve your investment if you are currently moving from one employer to another, have been retrenched, or are looking for a flexible retirement savings option.

    Preservation Fund

    • Minimum initial investment of  R25 000
    • Used to preserve your investment when you move between employers or are retrenched
    • No minimum investment term

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  • Share trading and investing

    With retirement, the focus is usually on low risk investments that give a good income — which can be achieved by selecting the right shares and ETFs which pay consistent dividends. Lower risk is achieved through diversification of your investments — which you can accomplish by investing online yourself, or with the support of a dedicated portfolio manager to manage your investment.

    Absa Stockbrokers and Portfolio Management

    • Invest and trade in equities and exchange traded funds locally and offshore in over 20 exchanges
    • No minimum amount to start — debit orders from a minimum of R250
    • With over R250 000 to invest, a portfolio manager can help you
    • Invest in a tax-free savings account, for local and offshore exposure
    • No age limit

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