What is SMiShing?
You receive a text message asking you to respond to an allegedly important and official request relating to the security or unblocking of your account.
The link will ask you for information like your account number, PIN, password and cellphone number.
If the SMS looks legitimate enough and you’re caught off guard, you could end up giving your personal information to a fraudster and fall victim to a SMiShing scam.
How to spot SMiShing
The SMS has a short web address (URL) using a bit.ly link
The SMiShing link
requests personal
information that a
bank would never ask for
If you compare the SMiShing SMS
to other messages from us, you’ll notice big differences
in the style and sign-off
How to protect yourself
Contact details
Fraud Hotline:
0860 557 557
+27 11 501 5089
3D secure call centre:
+27 11 354 4058